UI Foundation/UI Advancement Weekly Update 12.17.21

Dear Team:

Professional development is beneficial to participants for many reasons. The obvious ones are learning new things, expanding your network by meeting new contacts, and keeping up to date on industry trends. And then there's just the energizing boost you get from being around others who live similar professions. Last weekend in Chicago, I participated on a panel at the CASE District V Annual Conference. Although the event was smaller than in pre-pandemic years, with "only" about 500 in attendance, it felt so good to be "reunited" with industry colleagues in an in-person setting. Whether participating in a session or just informally chatting amid social activities, the atmosphere was energizing. Participants had to be vaccinated and masked, but we were able to enjoy each other's company in ways we haven't been able to in nearly two years.

It's time for our advancement enterprise to start thinking about professional development opportunities again. No, we are not entirely back to the way we gathered pre-COVID and probably won't be for a while, but there are ways to gather safely in groups if we take the recommended precautions.  So, get professional development off the back burner and prioritize it again.  It's good for you, and it's good for our organization.Talk to your managers and start investigating options for professional growth. That doesn't mean you have to participate in an event with hundreds of people in person – there are still plenty of virtual opportunities available – but if that works for you and your department, get "out" there and become re-energized, too.  Let us know if we can be of any help.

Lastly, if you are getting out this weekend for holiday activities, here's to energizing and not tiring experiences. Be safe and enjoy this special time of year with your family and friends.

