UIF/UI Advancement Team Operations - COVID-19 Weekly Update 05.15.20

Dear Colleagues:

A few weeks ago, I mentioned to someone that while the pandemic has certainly been disruptive to our everyday life, not all of the disruption has been negative. Yes, I miss not going to my office and seeing my colleagues. I also worry about the health and safety of family, co-workers, donors, and friends, and the anxiety created by not knowing when this will end can be overwhelming. However, for what it’s worth, I thought I would share a few of my personal silver linings:

  1. I have spent more quality time with my family. (I think it has been great, but my dad jokes still aren’t well-received)
  2. I haven’t been on an airplane in two months. (that’s the longest stretch in 25 years)
  3. I am getting a bit more exercise. (just a bit, I don’t want to shock my system)
  4. I have taken time to think about new ways of doing things at work and personally. (technology, process improvements, and perhaps not so good, I have discovered Amazon)
  5. And like many of you, I have been able to get to a few of those projects around the house that always seemed to be put on the “I’ll do that next weekend list.”

While I could bore you with a few more of my unintended positive consequences of COVID-19, I’ll stop there and urge you to take a few minutes to write down some of the good things going on in your life right now. Try to focus on the things you can control and encourage those around you to do the same. We will get through this eventually.  In the meantime, remember we can “usually” decide if it’s going to be a good day or a bad.  Plan to have more good days, and when you are having a down day, pull out your list.

This week, planning for the future in a COVID-19 world has continued and will remain an important focus of work at the Foundation, the U of I System, and our three universities. All of us are committed to the health and wellbeing of our communities and are carefully considering plans appropriate for each area. Additionally, as we enter the last two weeks of May, we recognize any decisions made today may need to be modified depending on state guidelines and directives.

I understand it is difficult not to know how things are going to unfold in the coming weeks, but as you wait for the announcement of details, please know your patience and understanding are very much appreciated.

To those celebrating graduates this spring, congratulations to all of you and best wishes to your students as they take on new and exciting opportunities. Have a great weekend, and stay safe and well.

All the best,